Often times people say that love is overrated and cliche well truth be told, love is as old as it can get. It dates back to the start of humanity. I believe that its out of love that we are able to achieve our full human potential. Love makes the world a better place and there's never getting enough of it. Some people make comments such as "love sick" and I wonder what sort of love they might be feeling, is it the invigorating scent of life, the bloomingdales of spring and the spring of youth? Love is all but sick. Love is as fresh as it gets. It's like old wine, the longer the better.
When we read magazines or listen to songs, no one talks about the grey love, love turned old with age but vibrant with experience and kindness. The love that our grand parents share, the love that we have encountered in the presence of our parents that even age did nothing to defuse, the lovers may seem wilted but the bond of love remains the same in them, growing stronger with age. Yes, that's the love I'm talking about. The sort of love that fills your heart with joy when you behold the one you love, the love that play sweet melodies in your heart that only you undertand the rhythm to. The love that accentuates the littlest things in life that bring tears of delight into our soul, the love that makes us appreciate life and want to live another day. That's the love I am talking about.
Loving someone can be the hardest thing for many but also the simplest thing for some because they allow it run its course, they nourish and respect it enough to give it autonomy. Love is a special gift that some might forget its simplicity which is ingrained in its complexity. The complex aspect of love is illuminated when we loose it because we weren't paying attention or we just took it for granted. The loss of love is what hurts most times, not the concept or feeling of love itself, but the thought that we've lost something so valuable and meaningful and have come to this realisation.
Love my friends doesn't possess, when you love someone you experience inexplicable liberty, the freedom is what makes it love because the essence of freedom of it allows one to love you, allows you fall in love. Sometimes people find love and want to hold on to it with every strength they can muster, they want to contain it and control it. When this is done, it corrupts the pureness of love. Love like it is popularly said, "knows no bounds" .We shouldn't try to control the love that others have freely givien us, because we might loose it. Love chooses who it wants and it's a gift that we should appreciate and enjoy instead of finding ways to possess it like a piece of property, and ensuring that we keep it by all means. We shouldn't be afraid of love or the thought of it.
Fearful and painful is love turned toxic and therefore has lost its zest. When it becomes a struggle, it gives rise to the controlling or abusive partner who thinks that as long as they monitor and limit their partner's love then they'll maintain the love and be in charge of it. Unfortunately this only leads to pain and hurt for the abuser of love and the abused.
Love allows us be, you can't force someone to fall in love with you, you also can't change yourself so that a person would love you. Love chooses who it wants despite flaws. Have you ever seen two people you thought weren't physically or intellectually compatible? Well I suppose we all have once in our life, that goes to show that love is its own person, regardless of our social, academic or physical differences. It's our moral obligation to allow it be and not try to turn it into something else or capitalize on it. This only leads to further abuse of what we've come to know as love.
Unfortunately, this is the case in many relationships. When love becomes a struggle then it's no longer love, it's been corrupted and it's time to let it go. When you love someone you allow them be themselves and you celebrate them whether or not they choose to love you back. You can't force love on someone else or simply create it like a sculptor. Love is autonomous, has always been, will always be. We love who we love and are loved by them simply because it is. When you find love cherish it, enjoy it and don't fight it. Just let it be.
Love is all encompassingly good. When you love someone you don't possess them; when you love someone you allow them be themselves; when you love someone you tell them and then show it, when you love someone you celebrate them; when you love someone you know when to let go.
Much Love,
K.C Nwokoye