Friday, August 19, 2011

Are We Becoming A Degenerate Society?

Recently, I spent time with certain individuals and we engaged in certain conversations that raised a lot of questions about what we have become as a society today. We look at the main stream media and there is a lot to be concerned about in the world we live in. There are also more personal issues that ranges from self esteem to self image, and what is or is not acceptable which leaves very little to be desired.

I was indulging in my nightly lazy reading of social and entertainment News two nights ago when certain images made me realize that I might be part of the solution or constitute to the problem and hence, this piece of writing. We are constantly bombarded by the media with images of people that represent an ideal dress size or sense of acceptable physical attractiveness which does not represent nor give a realistic account of what is attainable to the average folk. Sadly, these images have crept into our natural spontaneous sense of judgement of how we broadly access, define and in some cases accept people. A truly dismal reality it has become for the most part.

Our expectation of what is classified attractive or beautiful has changed dramatically in the recent decade. We have degenerated into a social culture where the first thing we see is another person's body size and in some cases, evaluate their self-worth based on what they look like. A significant number of people I have spoken to about body image re-affirms the notion that we are losing sight of what is important of which is affecting our human relationships. I am all for healthy living and there are a number of ways we can be healthy while retaining varying body sizes. These days, you look inside a magazine or turn on the TV and all you see is one type of shape and size being shamelessly shoved down our throats making it impossible for the average girl, boy, man or woman to feel remotely representative. It is no wonder why certain advertising campaigns are being banned for being overly altered with all forms of technology available on the market today. It has not only caused various forms of eating disorder amongst people of all age groups especially females, but has also created a warped sense of what beauty really is.


Many wonder how we can get back to a society where we once again begin to appreciate people for the content of their character, the quality of their mind and the action steps they employ to improve their individual worlds and also those surrounding them. Where we can open a magazine and look at an image without thinking that we should hit the gym more or change our diet drastically. A time when being healthy would not mean that we should be a certain body size or shape and this would become main stream. When a public figure would not receive backlash for gaining some extra pounds or feel ashamed of their body because of fear of being criticized. When the headline would not be about how much weight someone has gained or lost. When website visitors refrain from leaving hurtful remarks about an unflattering image of a celebrity or public figure simply because they may or may not have gained some weight. When there is no pressure to be a certain body size and people would not be forced to resort to cosmetic surgery. When it is okay to feel okay about not being the "right size".

We can also re-educate our minds to believe that what we look like physically is only one aspect of our human existence which is not the most important thing about us. We should be able to look into a mirror and see intelligence, wittiness, creativity, awkwardness, charm, capabilities as something that should be of significant essence to our human extension.

Sometimes we find ourselves thinking all the right things; But the saying that action does speak louder could not be more true. Beginning this conversation amongst our social groups, homes, places of work, education centers, game and sport groups e.t.c that there is more than one body size and physical attribute that qualifies as beautiful; And actually meaning those words. This is a real step in the right direction. Many have missed out on opportunities simply because they did not meet certain standards of "acceptable beauty". This has to stop and sooner rather than later, in all ramifications to include the media, entertainment industry, the corporate world e.t.c by people who are in a position to do so.

Most of all, real change begins with one individual. Refuse to be in a position where you are neither for nor against. Let your voice be heard loud and clear. It is imperative that you stand for something and for what is right. When you stand for nothing, you may just fall for anything!